2001 pathfinder cd changer
09-23-2003, 12:32 PM
We juist purchased a 2001 pathfinder LE with a 6 disc cd autochanger which is not working. The door will not open so it will not accept a cd. An error message comes up ERR2. The tape deck and the radio both work. My husband thinks perhaps something is stuck inside but doesn't know how to go about trying to find out. We can't even get the door open.
Any suggestions???
Any suggestions???
09-25-2003, 06:40 PM
Do you have the Bose 6 disk changer? That's what I have in my 2001. Mine doesn't have a door on the cd player, you just slide the cd in part way and it takes it from there. The one time I had an error(I'm not sure what error message was there) a cd was somehow stuck inside it, after trying to eject any one of the cds to no avail, I held down the eject button, and it finally ejected every cd in the player one at a time. After that I haven't had a problem since.
09-25-2003, 10:11 PM
I'd suggest asking at a local Nissan dealership if it's a factory CD changer. How hard is that to think of?
11-22-2003, 04:39 PM
I have the same problem...this ERR2 is common on this stereo. I sent it in for repair and they couldn't fix it. The problem is a CD is getting out of its tray inside and jamming the mechanism.
06-06-2004, 06:29 AM
had same error and problem. nissan dealers didnt have a clue, they said buy an after market one. i did some research and found johnson-electronic.com. could repair it for about 190.00. i think i also found directions on that site how to take the changer out. if it wasnt on that site i pried the right side of the vent out and found the screws to dismantle the front to get access to system.
01-20-2005, 10:51 PM
The ERR2 error means that one or more CDs have gotten out of their tray and are jamming the mechanism. Don't pay the outrageous fees demanded by shops to "repair" the problem or worse, to replace the whole unit. There is a great webpage: http://www.carstereohelp.com/stereoremovalNispthfndr03StrR.htm.htm that explains how to remove the unit. I removed mine, turned it upside down, punched the CD buttons, including eject button, whacked it on the side a few times, then did the same thing right-side up until the unit started spitting out my CDs. After that, it worked fine. This is a primitive approach, and not guaranteed to work, but I doubt the neanderthals you pay to "fix" the problem will do much more. And don't go for the aftermarket fixes and adapters. I hear they suck. DIY.
02-08-2005, 09:43 PM
better yet !!! quit while your ahead and replace the whole thing ! this is a 2 piece system radio is Bose and 6 cd changer unit is Clarion Dealer want about $1250.00. And they want exhorbitant prices to fix or replace ! I gave up after 3 tries and purchased a beautiful kenwood dpm 4070 double Din ,it kicks Butt and you can see it at crutchfield.com but I purchased mine with s/h at indoaudio.com for about 170.00 , and if you want al ittle extra umph , my installer recommended me a new small Bazooka sub that is also available from both places I mentioned , he says he will use the existing bose speakers as mids/highs and the sub will take minimal space in rear and it will cost me $300.00 installed. anyway what a radio !! You will be pleasantly surprised ! and its got like 12 or more different color schemes aswell as the instrument color of the dash !
10-05-2006, 07:33 AM
Hello everyone. I would like to share with you the way Nissan/Infiniti and Bose/Clarion is 'handling' this problem by not addressing the numerous consumer concerns.
After the following email was sent to the contacts listed on the Nissan News website and Nissan USA's website, I was contacted within 4 hours by (name omitted) an Executive Specialist from Nissan North America, (address omitted). He/She is handling my file now. I also sent this information to (website of lawyers that investigate fraud omitted).
Dear Nissan and Clarion representatives:
Over two years ago, I purchased a 2001 QX4. The QX4 was a great choice for us. We have enjoyed the features and have always enjoyed the Nissan trucks and cars we have owned over the years. The QX4 has only one flaw that we have found, and dealerships and consumer affairs do not acknowledge this problem. The problem is acknowledge quite freely among owners that post to online forums and has been named the "dreaded ERR2 problem."
At the time of purchase, the factory installed Bose 6 disc changer made by Clarion did not work. Each time the CD player was turned on an ERR2 was displayed on the screen. I spoke to the local dealer, and found out that repair would cost over $500. At that time, I found a factory authorized shop Sound Repair that was able to repair the CD player for $350. After the repair, the CD changer worked for approximately 8 months then the problem returned. Unfortunately, the disc changer was not returned for repair immediately because the repair warranty had expired.
The Bose/Clarion 6 disc changer has since been sent (July 24, 2006) to Sewell Infiniti for factory repair. (Name omitted) has been very helpful in keeping me informed of the actions of Clarion. I have recently contacted Infiniti Consumer Affairs regarding the problems with the factory CD changer. (Name omitted) has opened file number XXXXXXX in my behalf. (Name omitted) and (Name omitted) both have reported to me that a "Module A" is the problem when "Module B" is usually what is needed for the repair. I do not understand why a Technical Service Bulletin or Factory Recall has not been issued when I am told from reliable sources, at dealerships and Consumer Affairs, that parts are "usually" need for repair. "Usually" indicates to me that this incident is not the first. If the disc player was engineered and built properly by the OEM (Clarion), the unit would not need the "usual" repair. Any "usual" repairs should be handled in a Technical Service Bulletin or a Factory Recall if safety is a factor.
I would appreciate you taking a detailed look into this problem, as the solution may be the deciding factor on whether I, as a consumer, take further action, and whether an Infiniti/Nissan will be in our garage in the future. Please take this seriously, as I am looking forward to your reply.
Below are a few hyperlinks to forums of other consumers with the same problem with their 2001 Bose/Clarion CD changers:
(9 hyperlinks omitted)
More correspondence from Nissan/Infiniti follows regarding the ERR2 problem:
(Name omitted),
After your call yesterday, I took a few minutes to search through my emails and read through my notes of the correspondence from contacts regarding the repair of my Clarion/Bose 6-disc player. I hope the following information is helpful the investigation:
The attached emails from (Name omitted) at Infiniti-Parts (Sewell Infiniti) state the my 6-disc player is waiting on a Module A. (Name omitted) stated on the on a phone conversation that he/she is in contact with Clarion each day regarding repairs. Please contact (Name and phone number omitted), and he/she will give you his/her contact at Clarion he/she is in contact with each day. A few days after speaking to (Name omitted) with Infiniti Consumer Affairs on the phone regarding the quality issue of the 6-disc player and slow repair, (Name omitted) called back to state my 6-disc changer is waiting on a Module A. Neither (names omitted) stated this part is on back-order or even acknowledged any quality issue with the Clarion 6-disc player. Both (names omitted) did not sound confident that the module A is still being produced.
As I have stated before in the previous email, this is the second time the Clarion 6-disc changer has been sent in for repair. The ERR2 problem that I am experiencing along with numerous other consumers should be addressed as a quality issue with Clarion. The Quality Control department of Nissan needs to know about the other numerous cases of 2001 Clarion/Bose 6-disc players.
Another letter sent:
When a consumer buys a product, they expect the product to work and any engineering defects to be corrected by a recall and corrected for free. Clarion seems to continue to produce a lower than standard refurbished 6-disc player for the Nissan/Infiniti Bose audio systems, and other consumers have just had the 6-disc changer repaired numerous times before going to an aftermarket unit. The jobs this problem has created are jobs that should be eliminated. If an aftermarket stereo system experienced these problems, no consumer would buy their product again. Apparently, Nissan/Infiniti is not concerned about this issue; otherwise, a TSB and recall would have been issue a couple of years ago when the first problems started occurring.
After I bought the service manual for the Clarion unit, I found the problem is caused by plastic gears that continue to break. The plastic will get brittle over time and break or strip out. Knowing this, Clarion continues to use plastic the gears that are known to break during normal usage; this is poor engineering on Clarion's part. If the gears were made of something stronger such as Teflon®, the gears would no longer break or strip out.
I am very disappointed that no one at Nissan/Infiniti or Clarion has admitted to this problem. The problem mentioned here can be found in most all of the Clarion 6-disc changers installed in Nissan/Infiniti vehicles. A small group across the U.S. is now spreading the word not to buy Nissan/Infiniti products because of this single problem. The dissatisfied group is only going to get larger as the consumers out how Nissan/Infiniti and Clarion are denying this problem.
More info:
Since, this problem is not being taken very seriously; I have now moved to the next step and filed a claim with the Better Business Bureau. With only a small amount of investigation the BBB should find a good solution to the problem. I suggest everyone viewing this post that has the same problem to file a claim with the BBB, email the Nissan representatives (information can be found doing a internet search). You can also file a complaint on the NHTSA website and file a claim with you local state Attorney General's Office. Call Consumer Affairs and let them know you are unhappy with they way Nissan is handling the problem.
After the following email was sent to the contacts listed on the Nissan News website and Nissan USA's website, I was contacted within 4 hours by (name omitted) an Executive Specialist from Nissan North America, (address omitted). He/She is handling my file now. I also sent this information to (website of lawyers that investigate fraud omitted).
Dear Nissan and Clarion representatives:
Over two years ago, I purchased a 2001 QX4. The QX4 was a great choice for us. We have enjoyed the features and have always enjoyed the Nissan trucks and cars we have owned over the years. The QX4 has only one flaw that we have found, and dealerships and consumer affairs do not acknowledge this problem. The problem is acknowledge quite freely among owners that post to online forums and has been named the "dreaded ERR2 problem."
At the time of purchase, the factory installed Bose 6 disc changer made by Clarion did not work. Each time the CD player was turned on an ERR2 was displayed on the screen. I spoke to the local dealer, and found out that repair would cost over $500. At that time, I found a factory authorized shop Sound Repair that was able to repair the CD player for $350. After the repair, the CD changer worked for approximately 8 months then the problem returned. Unfortunately, the disc changer was not returned for repair immediately because the repair warranty had expired.
The Bose/Clarion 6 disc changer has since been sent (July 24, 2006) to Sewell Infiniti for factory repair. (Name omitted) has been very helpful in keeping me informed of the actions of Clarion. I have recently contacted Infiniti Consumer Affairs regarding the problems with the factory CD changer. (Name omitted) has opened file number XXXXXXX in my behalf. (Name omitted) and (Name omitted) both have reported to me that a "Module A" is the problem when "Module B" is usually what is needed for the repair. I do not understand why a Technical Service Bulletin or Factory Recall has not been issued when I am told from reliable sources, at dealerships and Consumer Affairs, that parts are "usually" need for repair. "Usually" indicates to me that this incident is not the first. If the disc player was engineered and built properly by the OEM (Clarion), the unit would not need the "usual" repair. Any "usual" repairs should be handled in a Technical Service Bulletin or a Factory Recall if safety is a factor.
I would appreciate you taking a detailed look into this problem, as the solution may be the deciding factor on whether I, as a consumer, take further action, and whether an Infiniti/Nissan will be in our garage in the future. Please take this seriously, as I am looking forward to your reply.
Below are a few hyperlinks to forums of other consumers with the same problem with their 2001 Bose/Clarion CD changers:
(9 hyperlinks omitted)
More correspondence from Nissan/Infiniti follows regarding the ERR2 problem:
(Name omitted),
After your call yesterday, I took a few minutes to search through my emails and read through my notes of the correspondence from contacts regarding the repair of my Clarion/Bose 6-disc player. I hope the following information is helpful the investigation:
The attached emails from (Name omitted) at Infiniti-Parts (Sewell Infiniti) state the my 6-disc player is waiting on a Module A. (Name omitted) stated on the on a phone conversation that he/she is in contact with Clarion each day regarding repairs. Please contact (Name and phone number omitted), and he/she will give you his/her contact at Clarion he/she is in contact with each day. A few days after speaking to (Name omitted) with Infiniti Consumer Affairs on the phone regarding the quality issue of the 6-disc player and slow repair, (Name omitted) called back to state my 6-disc changer is waiting on a Module A. Neither (names omitted) stated this part is on back-order or even acknowledged any quality issue with the Clarion 6-disc player. Both (names omitted) did not sound confident that the module A is still being produced.
As I have stated before in the previous email, this is the second time the Clarion 6-disc changer has been sent in for repair. The ERR2 problem that I am experiencing along with numerous other consumers should be addressed as a quality issue with Clarion. The Quality Control department of Nissan needs to know about the other numerous cases of 2001 Clarion/Bose 6-disc players.
Another letter sent:
When a consumer buys a product, they expect the product to work and any engineering defects to be corrected by a recall and corrected for free. Clarion seems to continue to produce a lower than standard refurbished 6-disc player for the Nissan/Infiniti Bose audio systems, and other consumers have just had the 6-disc changer repaired numerous times before going to an aftermarket unit. The jobs this problem has created are jobs that should be eliminated. If an aftermarket stereo system experienced these problems, no consumer would buy their product again. Apparently, Nissan/Infiniti is not concerned about this issue; otherwise, a TSB and recall would have been issue a couple of years ago when the first problems started occurring.
After I bought the service manual for the Clarion unit, I found the problem is caused by plastic gears that continue to break. The plastic will get brittle over time and break or strip out. Knowing this, Clarion continues to use plastic the gears that are known to break during normal usage; this is poor engineering on Clarion's part. If the gears were made of something stronger such as Teflon®, the gears would no longer break or strip out.
I am very disappointed that no one at Nissan/Infiniti or Clarion has admitted to this problem. The problem mentioned here can be found in most all of the Clarion 6-disc changers installed in Nissan/Infiniti vehicles. A small group across the U.S. is now spreading the word not to buy Nissan/Infiniti products because of this single problem. The dissatisfied group is only going to get larger as the consumers out how Nissan/Infiniti and Clarion are denying this problem.
More info:
Since, this problem is not being taken very seriously; I have now moved to the next step and filed a claim with the Better Business Bureau. With only a small amount of investigation the BBB should find a good solution to the problem. I suggest everyone viewing this post that has the same problem to file a claim with the BBB, email the Nissan representatives (information can be found doing a internet search). You can also file a complaint on the NHTSA website and file a claim with you local state Attorney General's Office. Call Consumer Affairs and let them know you are unhappy with they way Nissan is handling the problem.
10-19-2006, 07:43 AM
Since I have not had an expedient reply from Nissan regarding my case of the Bose Clarion 6-disc changer, I decided to call the Executive Specialist I have been working with for this case. I called early on Thursday Oct 12 and left a message. I received a returned call on Friday Oct 13. The Executive Specialist told me that the board was reviewing the case and should have an answer by Friday Oct 20.
I am really looking forward to a resolution to this problem so Nissan/Infiniti can redeem their name. If a correct resolution is not found, Nissan/Infiniti will continue to allow vendors to get away with using parts that are not engineered to high quality standards.
Everyone out there that has experienced this problem should check out the NHTSA website and file a complaint:
http://www-odi.nhtsa.dot.gov/cars/problems/complain/ (http://www-odi.nhtsa.dot.gov/cars/problems/complain/)
Your local state Attorney General's office can also help you with filing a claim against the CD player.
I am really looking forward to a resolution to this problem so Nissan/Infiniti can redeem their name. If a correct resolution is not found, Nissan/Infiniti will continue to allow vendors to get away with using parts that are not engineered to high quality standards.
Everyone out there that has experienced this problem should check out the NHTSA website and file a complaint:
http://www-odi.nhtsa.dot.gov/cars/problems/complain/ (http://www-odi.nhtsa.dot.gov/cars/problems/complain/)
Your local state Attorney General's office can also help you with filing a claim against the CD player.
10-24-2006, 11:11 AM
I called the executive specialist today (Oct.24) that has been working on my case regarding the Bose Clarion Err2 Err3 problem. I was expecting a call or an email on Oct.20; however, no such luck. I was told that Nissan does have a finding and information to send to me; however, I did not get any details on the phone. I will post the findings and information here to allow everyone to generate their own opinion on how Nissan handles this problem.
12-01-2006, 08:37 AM
I have not had any contact with Nissan North America since Nov.2 until yesterday Nov.30. I called the Executive Specialist that is handling my case on Nov.21. I was forwarded to voicemail after no one answered and left a message asking if the findings had been sent to me. After waiting over a week with no reply, I decided to call again yesterday. I was forwarded to voicemail once again. I didn't leave a message this time and immediately called the main number to be transferred to someone else. The transferred me to another person; however, they did not answer and I was once again forwarded to voicemail. I left a message with this other person to call me back. The call was finally returned around 4:20pm yesterday. I was unable to answer at the time, but I called back at 4:27pm and spoke to the person for over 17 minutes. This person found my records and told me they are in contact with Clarion on a regular basis and Clarion corrects their problems effectively. I enlightened him to my research in this matter and said there were at least 100 documented cases of the Clarion 6 disc CD changer breaking multiple times. He did mention that the record shows a denial letter was sent to me. I have never seen this letter, and he said that he would be in contact with me regarding the letter and the matter. I mentioned that I really needed this denial letter to move to the next step. Of course, a lawyer(s) will be involved in the next step. From the correspondence and phone calls, Nissan is still completely denying any problems with the 2001 Bose/Clarion 6-disc changers. I honestly hoped this problem would not escalate to this proportion.
01-20-2007, 04:48 AM
Since I have not had an expedient reply from Nissan regarding my case of the Bose Clarion 6-disc changer, I decided to call the Executive Specialist I have been working with for this case. I called early on Thursday Oct 12 and left a message. I received a returned call on Friday Oct 13. The Executive Specialist told me that the board was reviewing the case and should have an answer by Friday Oct 20.
I am really looking forward to a resolution to this problem so Nissan/Infiniti can redeem their name. If a correct resolution is not found, Nissan/Infiniti will continue to allow vendors to get away with using parts that are not engineered to high quality standards.
Everyone out there that has experienced this problem should check out the NHTSA website and file a complaint:
http://www-odi.nhtsa.dot.gov/cars/problems/complain/ (http://www-odi.nhtsa.dot.gov/cars/problems/complain/)
Your local state Attorney General's office can also help you with filing a claim against the CD player.
I have also submitted a claim to the website that you have posted above. I finished the claim about 5 minutes ago. Do they get back with you any or is this just to get something done?
thanks for all the input.
I am really looking forward to a resolution to this problem so Nissan/Infiniti can redeem their name. If a correct resolution is not found, Nissan/Infiniti will continue to allow vendors to get away with using parts that are not engineered to high quality standards.
Everyone out there that has experienced this problem should check out the NHTSA website and file a complaint:
http://www-odi.nhtsa.dot.gov/cars/problems/complain/ (http://www-odi.nhtsa.dot.gov/cars/problems/complain/)
Your local state Attorney General's office can also help you with filing a claim against the CD player.
I have also submitted a claim to the website that you have posted above. I finished the claim about 5 minutes ago. Do they get back with you any or is this just to get something done?
thanks for all the input.
01-22-2007, 07:35 AM
I have been sent a denial letter for warranty coverage. I am in the process of collecting comments from many forums and sending the comments in ANOTHER email to corporate. The denial letter only denies warranty coverage of my Bose Clarion 6-disc changer. In this regards, Nissan is not denying the actual problem that continues to occur.
02-07-2009, 09:06 AM
This is classic failure (like a number of Nissan problems) that is due to a poorly designed laser lead screw (whatever that is, right?) design in the 6 CD mechanism of these (Clarion) changers. There are a number of stereos around this year (Infiniti too since they are made by Nissan) that have the same issue for the same reason.
After researching this, I located the needed parts and repaired my unit (not for the faint of heart, this is somewhat akin to cuckoo clock repair, a very complicated electro-mechanical device). I am an electrical engineer by trade with over 35 years of experience of working on electronics.
In any case (and here is the bottom line), I would be happy to repair anyones ailing changer ("err2" with clicking/chugging) for $100 plus $10 return shipping to the lower 48. Contact me at rentwist ( at ) comcast.net if interested.
After researching this, I located the needed parts and repaired my unit (not for the faint of heart, this is somewhat akin to cuckoo clock repair, a very complicated electro-mechanical device). I am an electrical engineer by trade with over 35 years of experience of working on electronics.
In any case (and here is the bottom line), I would be happy to repair anyones ailing changer ("err2" with clicking/chugging) for $100 plus $10 return shipping to the lower 48. Contact me at rentwist ( at ) comcast.net if interested.
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