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A 30% Power Boost With AQUATUNE??

03-30-2003, 05:40 PM
I came across this page www.aquatune.com and it claims to give a increase in gas milage and power (up to 30%) for this aquatune system you put in your car. It looks too good to be true, let me know what you guys think about it.

03-30-2003, 06:01 PM
well damn it does sound good, unfortunetly, probably too good. kinda like that tornado air thing. have you tried searching around for info about it from places other than their own site? if for somelucky shot in the dark it does work, i'd definetly get one. $350 isnt that much if the claimed gains are accurate.

04-02-2003, 01:50 PM
Oh boy, this is worse than Z-Max! Here we go...

This is a finely tuned water injection system unlike any other, giving atomization of water and air before going into the engine where it is further atomized,

-This makes no sense, are they talking about a deisel swirl chamber? Saying this is like saying jumping in a pool will makes you wet...well, no doy!

here in turn it collides with the fuel molecules making a highly explosive mixture and expanding the fuel

news flash, water doesn't combust, gasoline burns quite well. This makes it seem like internal combustion didn't exist previous to this product. Misleading.

As this mixture goes into the combustion chamber a marvelous thing happens - a chain reaction. All carbon starts immediately being removed inside the engine to the same state it was in when it was new.

Its called steam cleaning, and its not that smooth a process, if large chunks are being blow free, rather than being broken down chemically, guess where they are going to pass at high speed? The valves.

This happens because hot carbon and water don’t mix, somewhat like nitro colliding with glycerine

no, its NOTHING like it

and small carbon deposits going by valve seats and helping to break off other deposits...giving a clean sweet machine with a much higher compression ratio and a more complete burning of fuels, making in essence a half steam engine, half gas engine. This makes for a sweet tune, efficient combustion and 15% to 30% more horsepower.

That's like the Tornado claiming a 23% (!!!!!!!!!!) increase in power on a stock Sentra. Its grade A certified crap.

It’s been well known for many years, and still is today, that the steam engine is the most powerful of all engines and still used on aircraft carriers for catapulting jet fighters off the carrier.

Again, this statement makes no sense, and guess what its used on carriers because it was easy to adapt, not because its the bomb.

Also, the water injection was used on the P-38 fighter planes during WW II and at their high altitudes gave the engine a whopping 68% more horse power.

They should be sued for this. They used water injection on these planes because they ran massive turbos at high altitudes and ran very, VERY lean. This can melt an engine, regardless of the application, the water injection was there to cool them off. Period. Just like it does in TC'd Hondas.

Therefore, at 2500 feet above sea level you could expect 38% more horse power; of course, that does depend on the condition of the engine and how well it has been tuned.


So here is what can be expected from our system: from 25%, to even higher, more miles per gallon.


It gets rid of all harmful carbon deposits.

So does basic maintenance.

This also helps keep the oil cleaner and helps to maintain oil viscocity because of the absence of bi-products of unburned fuel and carbons that can contaminate the oil.

Oh good lord! This is like saying not running the car will keep the oil clean. Gues what, thats what the detergents are there for, and if you use good oil, then this simply isn't an issue

AquaTune is like no other water injection system in that it is, in actuality a fuel cell hydrogen processor.

>stunned silence< they've got some balls, I will hand that to them.

It produces hydrogen-rich bubbles before being introduced into the engine draft. After this it becomes an even more highly enriched hydrogen as it collides with hot metals and combustion and it drops the engine combustion temperature down. Now the engine timing can be advanced up to 7 degrees over factory specifications, if so desired.

Its called hydrolosis, and these people are encouraging non professionals to advance their own timing by seven degrees?? I smell law suit...

It has stainless steel water jetting and internal micron filtration with up to 6 microns assuring that it will never stop up.

One wonders if they have read their own ad.

Note: most people are reporting from 35% to even higher better fuel mileage. In part, this is due to a much higher torque range and horse power because your foot is much higher on the gas petal to achieve your best miles per hour.

so, by this logic, if I put a block of wood under my right heel, i can get better mileage, hmmm, did I mention I'm an alchemist as well?

At times, we also add a 1/1 ratio of 70% by volume Isopropyl alcohol for added horsepower.

What's a ring job run these days?

We are the AquaTune Company since 1972

Yet they only start advertising in 2001, hmmmm...

as they say, if it seems to good to be true, guess what, it is.

Caution: Use of this product in combination with a Tornado will automatically result in 1000+ hp, please upgrade your kaneuter valves....

04-02-2003, 02:01 PM
This is a finely tuned water injection system unlike any other, giving atomization of water and air before going into the engine where it is further atomized,

AquaTune is like no other water injection system in that it is, in actuality a fuel cell hydrogen processor.

so which is it?? sounds like a load of bs and probably is.....i'd like to see an actual vehicle that uses it....i think i say an infomertial on this :silly2:

08-24-2005, 04:02 PM
I worked with the local distributor in Reno for Aquatune. Installes over 12 units and even put one on my 1992 Honda Accord. NONE of them worked! My milage and the milage of many other vehicles went down. Some said there was a little more power but the units quit injecting water after a week or so and then it was gone. I had to take off most of the units I installed. I even had the owner of Aquatune come to my shop and check and install some units that still did not work. Then Aquatune falsly used me as a refrence in a positive way to drum up more business. The units do not work!

08-24-2005, 07:37 PM
Mercy! Leave this thread dead & buried!

02-14-2007, 04:12 PM
I came across this page www.aquatune.com (http://www.aquatune.com) and it claims to give a increase in gas milage and power (up to 30%) for this aquatune system you put in your car. It looks too good to be true, let me know what you guys think about it.
Hey don't waste your money it does not work and you still have to do alot of work on your car to get 2 mpg better is all I could get. I bought the aqua tune and they upgraded me to their aquatune plus 07 model and still didn't work. .All so check out their disclaimer
Here is a web site to go check out before buying!!!!!!!!!!!
I would stay away from these things.

02-14-2007, 04:26 PM
i'm not sad that you decided to post in a thread that was started 4 yrs ago...but because you actually bought it and put it on your car :(

02-14-2007, 06:10 PM
Oh boy, this is worse than Z-Max! Here we go...

This is a finely tuned water injection system unlike any other, giving atomization of water and air before going into the engine where it is further atomized,

-This makes no sense, are they talking about a deisel swirl chamber? Saying this is like saying jumping in a pool will makes you wet...well, no doy!

here in turn it collides with the fuel molecules making a highly explosive mixture and expanding the fuel

news flash, water doesn't combust, gasoline burns quite well. This makes it seem like internal combustion didn't exist previous to this product. Misleading.

As this mixture goes into the combustion chamber a marvelous thing happens - a chain reaction. All carbon starts immediately being removed inside the engine to the same state it was in when it was new.

Its called steam cleaning, and its not that smooth a process, if large chunks are being blow free, rather than being broken down chemically, guess where they are going to pass at high speed? The valves.

This happens because hot carbon and water don’t mix, somewhat like nitro colliding with glycerine

no, its NOTHING like it

and small carbon deposits going by valve seats and helping to break off other deposits...giving a clean sweet machine with a much higher compression ratio and a more complete burning of fuels, making in essence a half steam engine, half gas engine. This makes for a sweet tune, efficient combustion and 15% to 30% more horsepower.

That's like the Tornado claiming a 23% (!!!!!!!!!!) increase in power on a stock Sentra. Its grade A certified crap.

It’s been well known for many years, and still is today, that the steam engine is the most powerful of all engines and still used on aircraft carriers for catapulting jet fighters off the carrier.

Again, this statement makes no sense, and guess what its used on carriers because it was easy to adapt, not because its the bomb.

Also, the water injection was used on the P-38 fighter planes during WW II and at their high altitudes gave the engine a whopping 68% more horse power.

They should be sued for this. They used water injection on these planes because they ran massive turbos at high altitudes and ran very, VERY lean. This can melt an engine, regardless of the application, the water injection was there to cool them off. Period. Just like it does in TC'd Hondas.

Therefore, at 2500 feet above sea level you could expect 38% more horse power; of course, that does depend on the condition of the engine and how well it has been tuned.


So here is what can be expected from our system: from 25%, to even higher, more miles per gallon.


It gets rid of all harmful carbon deposits.

So does basic maintenance.

This also helps keep the oil cleaner and helps to maintain oil viscocity because of the absence of bi-products of unburned fuel and carbons that can contaminate the oil.

Oh good lord! This is like saying not running the car will keep the oil clean. Gues what, thats what the detergents are there for, and if you use good oil, then this simply isn't an issue

AquaTune is like no other water injection system in that it is, in actuality a fuel cell hydrogen processor.

>stunned silence< they've got some balls, I will hand that to them.

It produces hydrogen-rich bubbles before being introduced into the engine draft. After this it becomes an even more highly enriched hydrogen as it collides with hot metals and combustion and it drops the engine combustion temperature down. Now the engine timing can be advanced up to 7 degrees over factory specifications, if so desired.

Its called hydrolosis, and these people are encouraging non professionals to advance their own timing by seven degrees?? I smell law suit...

It has stainless steel water jetting and internal micron filtration with up to 6 microns assuring that it will never stop up.

One wonders if they have read their own ad.

Note: most people are reporting from 35% to even higher better fuel mileage. In part, this is due to a much higher torque range and horse power because your foot is much higher on the gas petal to achieve your best miles per hour.

so, by this logic, if I put a block of wood under my right heel, i can get better mileage, hmmm, did I mention I'm an alchemist as well?

At times, we also add a 1/1 ratio of 70% by volume Isopropyl alcohol for added horsepower.

What's a ring job run these days?

We are the AquaTune Company since 1972

Yet they only start advertising in 2001, hmmmm...

as they say, if it seems to good to be true, guess what, it is.

Caution: Use of this product in combination with a Tornado will automatically result in 1000+ hp, please upgrade your kaneuter valves....

Thank you...you saved me a lot of typing:iceslolan

Complete bullshit. Not one ounce of truth there..

If a motor is tuned for water injection from assembly, it will stay cleaner and can run higher compression without detonation, and like you said, you can over-advance ignition timing for better throttle response (up to a point)...but the difference is hardly worth risking detonation damage to the top end.

The only practical street use I can think of for a water injection system is if you had an older car or built a high comp motor and wanted to run pump gas in it without damage. That's all it would do, it wouldn't give it more poewer, make it run cooler, get better mileage or anything else...it would just tolerate lower octane....

02-14-2007, 06:12 PM
Dammit. Fooled by a resurrected thread...

02-14-2007, 07:54 PM
Dammit. Fooled by a resurrected thread...


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